Fall Ango 2022: Clarifying the Mahayana

Buddhist practitioners in a standing bow.

September 18 - December 4

This Ango we continue our deep study of the Daily Liturgy with focus on Clarifying the Mahayana Path.

We will continue our work from our July Teachings Retreat Understanding the Daily Liturgy: The Stages of the Mahayana Path by focusing on “The Seven Practices of the Bodhisattva”, “Generating Love and Compassion”, and “The Heart Surtra” from our Daily Liturgy.

The Daily Liturgy is a concise explication of the entirety of the Buddha’s teachings. At each Ango workshop, we’ll take a section of the Daily Liturgy and go over every line in great detail. If you would like to deepen your understanding of this incredible resource please be sure to attend. Although the Daily Liturgy nourishes us from the very first time we recite it, when you receive this Teaching your understanding and practice goes much deeper. Each workshop will build on our July Retreat, but will also stand alone.

Every Ango, Sangha Members look for meaningful and workable ways to deepen their bodhisattva practice. You can find many ideas for inspiration on our Ango page. This Ango, Our Teachers also especially encourage you to increase your time practicing with the Sangha, if possible. There are many options to choose from, including classic practice opportunities like sesshin retreats, and also newer offerings such as Morning zazen and liturgy in person and streaming at 7AM daily Tuesday-Friday.

(What’s Ango?)

Ango Texts

Each Ango, Our Teachers hold up relevant texts for independent reading and as source material for Dharma Talks. You may participate in Ango as much as you are able, even if you do not purchase or read these books.

Optional Independent Reading

Our Teachers will draw from these books for Dharma Talks. Sangha Members are welcome, but not expected, to buy them and read along.

On Sundays, the Teachers will be working through The Buddha's Teachings on Social and Communal Harmony: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon (The Teachings of the Buddha), edited by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

  • Check for the Book at Your Local Library

  • Amazon (purchase with Amazon Smile to benefit the Temple)

On Wednesdays, Rinsen Roshi will continue discourses on the Blue Cliff Record koan collection. Rinsen Roshi has asked Do’on Sensei to give a talk on every case of the the Mumonkan (The Gateless Gate) koan collection as his first request of her in hew role as Sensei.

Sangha Circles

Sign-up for Sangha Circles will be open soon for Temple Members! Online and in person options will be available. (What’s a Sangha Circle?)

Ango Events

Weekly Events

  • Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 7AM - Morning zazen and liturgy [Members Only In Person, Public Facebook and YouTube]

  • Wed 7:30PM - Temple Sutra Service and Meditation [Public In Person, Facebook and YouTube]

  • Sun 10AM - Zen Meditation for Beginners [Public In Person Only]

  • Sun 11AM - Temple Sutra Service and Meditation [Public In Person, Facebook and YouTube]

Monthly Events

  • Last Sunday of each month after Temple Service - Potluck  [Public In Person Only]

  • Second and Fourth Monday of each month 7:00PM - Online Book Club [Members Only]

  • Second Monday of each month in the evening - Dinner Out [Public In Person Only]

  • Last Friday of each month 6:30PM - Game Night [Members and Guests, In Person Only]


15-18 Thurs-Sun - Sesshin [Members Only, In Person Only]

18 Sun 11AM - Ango Opening Ceremony [Public Online and In Person]

24 Sat 2PM-5PM - Sangha Visioning Workshop [Members Only Online and In Person]

26 Mon 7PM - Zen Meditation for Beginners (Online Only) [Public]

29 Thur 7PM - New Moon White Tara Sadhana [Members Only, In Person Only]


1 Sat 2PM - Ango Workshop 1 of 3: “Seven Practices of the Bodhisattva” [Members Only, Hybrid]

9 Sun 6PM - Distance Members Zoom with the Abbot [Distance Members Only]

13-16 Thurs-Sun - Sesshin [Members Only]

24 Mon 7PM - Zen Meditation for Beginners (Online Only) [Public]

27 Thur 7PM - New Moon White Tara Sadhana [Members Only, In Person Only]

29 Sat 2PM - Ango Workshop 2 of 3: “Generating Love and Compassion” [Members Only, Hybrid]


10-13 Thurs-Sun - Sesshin [Members Only]

19 Sat 2PM - Shoken Workshop 4 of 4  [Shoken Students and Initiates Only]

20 Eye Opening Ceremony [Public Online and In Person]

20 Sun 6PM - Distance Members Zoom with the Abbot [Distance Members Only]

21 Mon 7PM - Zen Meditation for Beginners (Online Only) [Public]

26 Sat 2PM - Ango Workshop 3 of 3: “The Heart Sutra” [Members Only]

27 Sun 11AM - Shukke Tokudo Unsui Ordination for Yugen and Zuisei  [Public Online and In Person]


4 Sun 11AM - Ango Closing Ceremony  [Public Online and In Person]


Death and Dying in the Buddhist Tradition


Spring Ango 2022: Celebrating Women in Buddhism